Museum Garage wins the International Award of Architecture 2019
El Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design y el European Centre for Architecture, Art Design and Urban Studies nos han informado que nuestro Museum Garage ha recibido el International Architecture Award 2019, en la categoría de Aeropuertos y Centros de Transporte. Este reconocimiento procede de uno de los programas de premios de edificación más prestigioso y distingue el diseño nuevo y vanguardista en todo el mundo. Los IAA, organizados por ambas instituciones, promueven y difunden la arquitectura internacional y el buen diseño a nivel mundial.
The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture, Art Design and Urban Studies have informed us that our Museum Garage has received the International Architecture Award 2019, in the category of Airports and Transportations Centres. This awards are the highest and most prestigious distinguished building awards program that honor new and cutting-edge design worldwide. This annual program, organized by both institutions, also promotes international architecture and design to the public audience globally.
Photo by: Miguel de Guzmán