Museum Garage wins the IPMI Award of Excellence 2019
El International Parking and Mobility Institute (IPMI) ha premiado nuestro Miami Museum Garage en su 2019 Conference celebrada en Anaheim, California. La obra ha sido distinguida con el "2019 Award of Excellence" en la categoría "Best Design of a Mixed or Multi-Use Parking & Transportation Facility". ¡Felicidades a todo el equipo! Clavel Arquitectos, KR, J. MAYER H., WorkAC, Nicolas Buffee y Tim Haahs.
The International Parking and Mobility Institute (IPMI) has awarded our Miami Museum Garage at its 2019 Conference held in Anaheim, California. The work has been distinguished with the "2019 Award of Excellence" in the category "Best Design of a Mixed or Multi-Use Parking & Transportation Facility". Congratulations to the whole team! Clavel Arquitectos, KR, J. MAYER H., WorkAC, Nicolas Buffee y Tim Haahs.
